Friday, September 18, 2015

End of Packing Week One -- Here's what we've accomplished!

It's been an incredibly busy week at Saxton B. Little as we pack up to move across the street into the MINI B.! Today marks the end of our initial packing stage. We boxed up all the books we know you'll want at the MINI B., along with everything in our staff areas that we'll be taking with us or storing off-site while the renovations take place.

Next week, the professional packers come in to box up all the books that we can't fit in the MINI B. We'll also start to set-up across the street, which will be a longer process as we don't yet have bookcases! (We need to take the books off the shelves in the main building before we can bring them over to the MINI B.)

In the event that you need to get a hold of us next week, please call us at 860-228-0350 -- we can answer your questions about renewing items and anything else you may need. If you don't get a person, please leave us a message and we'll return your call ASAP.

Until next time,

Below are some pictures of the Library as of 3:00 this afternoon!

Empty window in the children's area, and lots of boxes to go into storage.
A clean bulletin board and parenting section!

View behind the circ desk...
Look, Ma! No DVDs! (They're all in their cases, waiting to be packed up.)

In our staff area -- Cait's desk is gone, and Megan's desk is empty!
Empty magazine racks, and floor space?!

We'll only have room for one patron computer at the MINI B., so the rest are patiently waiting to be moved into storage for a year.

1 comment:

  1. Looks liked you have performed miracles! Go hard hats! Carol
