Friday, April 29, 2016


The interior of the new building continues to move forward, but provide little photo ops.  The guys are continuing to put in HVAC and wiring.  Each time I peek in, I do see changes, but the changes are less wires hanging here and a big metal vent like thing in the ceiling there.  So, I have not taken any new pictures.

This being said, it’s our understanding that next week we could start to see wall board and/or siding.  Either would be exciting.  This morning, town facility manager, Bud, and I went on a road trip to examine window blinds.  Back in the Mini B. we have found furniture to fit the space and are calculating what Library Land terms ‘shelf feet’.  This is very literally the number of feet it takes on a shelf to accommodate the materials. 

Many of you may have received a donation solicitation from the Library Board.  As we are currently beginning to purchase needed furniture items. All donations are greatly appreciated, if you would like to participate click here to get to our website for further information.


Friday, April 15, 2016

Measure twice cut once

As the builders pursue insulation, wiring, and HVAC – nothing that seems readily apparent to the untrained eye - we, in the Library, have gotten out our trusty graph paper and tape measure. (Sometimes the old fashioned way is still the best.)  We have been busy calculating shelf feet (the amount of feet of shelving needed for materials) and inventorying our needs.  We've been 'dancing with furniture' on paper, trying to figure out where all that we need can fit without the Library returning to it's warehouse state.

We know somethings do not need to be as they were.  We know somethings were they way they were because of the posts that hold up the roof.  Clearly these posts are needed and will remain!  Some of the old furniture between thirty-plus years of use, moving, and storage, we know definitely needs replacement.  Everyone in favor of replacing those blue chairs, raise your hand!  Of course, it’s easy to say, we need to replace this, that, or the other thing, and harder to actually do it.

Size is an issue; sturdiness is an issue; weight is an issue; and of course, cost is an issue.  We have been reviewing and prioritizing our needs, our finances, and working with the Friends.  We have been creating no-choice lists and wish lists.  We have been reviewing catalogs, websites and vendors to get cost estimates for what will work.  

Soon, here and other places, we will share more of this information with you and ask if you might be able to help contribute to our furniture fund. But in the meanwhile, it's back to counting little squares of graph paper.


Friday, April 8, 2016

Inside ...

With the roof, windows, and doors (oh my) done, the project has mostly gone inside. The behind the scenes workers have been busy.

Insulation is complete, electrical work is in progress, but most exciting is the deconstruction/ construction of the interior walls.  This is certainly not in its final stages, but it is getting closer.
Back in at the Mini B, we are starting the difficult process of figuring out what collections can go where and what is needed to make that happen.  We are checking measurements, reviewing catalogs and doing math calculations:  if we have x number of paperbacks, and the average size of a paperback = y, then how many shelf feet will we need to dedicate to paperbacks?  (So when your student asks, ‘when will I ever use this in real life?’  Send them our way!)

The siding should be coming soon, we are waiting on parts, so look for this development in the next couple of weeks!

The view to the back.  The studs you see will go, the pink in the left corner is the insulation of the programming room.

The Rose Lane bump out, currently a dark cave.

The view from the Circ desk...if it were there.